Tithe Challenge

Test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be enough room to store it. - Malachi 3:10 Countless people experience God’s blessings when they tithe, but often the first step is the hardest one to take. The Three-Month Tithe Challenge is a money-back guarantee of sorts. Essentially, it’s a contract based on God’s promises in Malachi 3:10-11. Here’s our commitment to you. If you tithe for three months and God doesn’t hold true to His promises, we will refund 100% of your tithe.

A tithe is tenth or 10% of your gross income. So start with your most recent paycheck, look at the gross income amount, enter 10% of that amount here to start the challenge. And then after filling out the form you will be prompted to set up your recurring tithe for the next 90 days on your pay days. Or if your paychecks are various amounts, you can choose to come fill this form out again for each time you get paid
The Tithe Challenge Agreement 1. I understand this form must be completed and received by the Unity Movement Finance Team prior to the beginning of the 3 Month Tithe Challenge Period. Therefore, the start date must be today's date or a future date. 2. I understand my household qualifies for participation because we have not been tithing for the last six months. 3. I understand I cannot seek a refund prior to the end of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period, and I cannot seek a refund for any contributions made prior to the beginning of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period. 4. I understand any request for refund must be received by the Finance Team within 14 days of the end of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period. 5. I understand if paid at a physical campus, my tithe must be paid by check, or by completed offering envelope, so that my tithe can be properly credited. 6. I would like to test God's faithfulness by accepting the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. I agree for the three-month period, my household will contribute to God, through Unity Movement, a tithe equal to 10% of our income. At the end of the three-month period, if I am not convinced of God's faithfulness to bless my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that 90-day period.(Required)
The Tithe Challenge Agreement 1. I understand this form must be completed and received by the Unity Movement Finance Team prior to the beginning of the 3 Month Tithe Challenge Period. Therefore, the start date must be today's date or a future date. 2. I understand my household qualifies for participation because we have not been tithing for the last six months. 3. I understand I cannot seek a refund prior to the end of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period, and I cannot seek a refund for any contributions made prior to the beginning of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period. 4. I understand any request for refund must be received by the Finance Team within 14 days of the end of the Three-Month Tithing Challenge Period. 5. I understand if paid at a physical campus, my tithe must be paid by check, or by completed offering envelope, so that my tithe can be properly credited. 6. I would like to test God's faithfulness by accepting the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. I agree for the three-month period, my household will contribute to God, through Unity Movement, a tithe equal to 10% of our income. At the end of the three-month period, if I am not convinced of God's faithfulness to bless my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that 90-day period.