For people who call The Hub their home, we are offering FREE premarital counseling as well as marriage counseling. We want to prepare you for a kingdom marriage and a strong kingdom family that brings honor and glory to Jesus.
Marriages can be a struggle sometimes. But God wants to breathe new life into your marriage. Many marriages are dealing with
tensions, broken communication, fighting and withdrawal. Others are trapped in endless cycles of anger, bitterness, blame, arguments, offense, unforgiveness and resentments.
Many relationships are starving for affection, romance and a deeper connection.
What to expect
In our counseling sessions, we bring Jesus at the center and help you
- Begin healing what’s wrong in your relationship
- Deepen your connection with each other
- Renew your friendship and learn how to communicate effectively
- Build skills of resolving conflicts
- Get rid of strife, anger, arguments, withdrawal and mean-spirited atmosphere while shifting into a life giving atmosphere.
- Let the healing begin to the deepest cuts and wounds.
- Prepare your marriage to fulfill the destiny for which God set for you.
Church @ The Hub
12345 Portland Ave, Burnsville, MN 55337
Letter of Understanding
I understand that the prayer/encouragement ministry pastors and volunteers at Church @The Hub are not licensed counselors/psychologists/psychiatrists. The prayer/encouragement ministry pastors are dedicated Christians who believe the Bible is the Word of God and is the final authority in matters of moral and personal conduct. All pastors and volunteers are directed to keep information confidential. The prayer/encouragers will take brief debrief notes for each session. The debrief notes will be available only to the Lead Pastor upon his request.
I understand the Law of the State of Minnesota states the prayer/encourager is legally responsible to report any abuse that is discussed at any sessions.
I further understand that prayer and encouragement is offered without charge and is not considered a professional service. If medical, legal, or psychological help is necessary, I will be advised to seek professional licensed help elsewhere.
We only offer marriage/ premarital counseling to those who call The Hub their home. We ask those who have their home churches elsewhere to please ask their local church pastor for those services. Thank you