About Us


Unite communities and offer hope that leads to city transformation.


Unity Revival Movement is a non-denominational, spirit filled and bible based ministry that seeks to bring the body of Christ together for the purpose of revival and expansion of the kingdom of God. The Hub; which is the home to Unity Revival Movement, is an expression of how this ministry embodies its unique identity. The Hub unites different Kingdom businesses, a ministry school for equipping saints for ministry, as well as weekly revival services that continuously host the presence of God. The Hub is also a ministry center from which we continue to activate and send out people to go forth and expand the kingdom of God to those around us.


Our mission is to Mentor, Train and Activate an end time army for the end time harvest of souls. I see them functioning in a fresh anointing of the power of God. I see them flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit through deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders. They shall carry and embody the spirit of revival that awakens entire regions and nations to return back to God. This end time army will be able to permeate all spheres of influence, reform and transform systems with the intention to bring forth the kingdom of God. The Lord has given us the mandate to raise this army and commission them for the most powerful move of God that this world has ever seen.


Dr. Charles Karuku


Dr. Charles is the president of Unity Movement. Charles and Lindsey Karuku went to ground zero, the place of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They proclaimed the message of unity on Pentecost Sunday to a large crowd and on their knees lead the group into prayer, where they repented in humility and called on the name of Jesus to heal our land. Immediately, people across racial boundaries, Black, White, Asian, Latino, and all ethnicities, began to hug and cry on each other’s shoulders. A revival of unity was birthed at George Floyd’s memorial, a place that had rocked the United States and the entire world. Churches, ministry leaders, believers, and members of the body of Christ began to unite in prayer, service, and ministry to the community. Many came and received salvation, healing, racial reconciliation, deliverance, filled with the Holy Spirit, and were baptized with water right on the street! That is when God said we should take this movement across America, and around the world.

Dr Charles has been in ministry since 1991. He is also a seasoned apostle to the nations. He’s a mentor, trainer and speaker whose greatest passion is to equip others for ministry.

Charles has travelled to hundreds of cities across America and over 25 nations globally. God uses Dr Charles in signs and wonders. To invite Dr Charles email him at Charles@UnityRevivalMovement.com


Kandice Maior

Operations Director & UMI

Pastor Lindsey Karuku

Co-Founder of Unity Revival Movement Leader of Women @ The Hub

Astie Yovo-Kpela


Sheila Jyrkas

Leader of Prayer @ The Hub

Connie Freitag

Kids Pastor

Jeff Bakke

Leader of Men @ The Hub

Lemuel Colon

Youth Pastor @ The Hub

Larissa Lundstrom

Worship Leader @ The Hub